We all know warming up is necessary, yet we tend to avoid it by hitting play on our music and going right into the run to get it over with. This week, we're focusing on the proper warm up exercises needed to make the most out of your run and help keep injuries at bay the best we can.
Warming up has been shown to:
🔅decrease your injury risk
🔅increase your performance during that run
🔅make you more effective during that specific session
In the video above, Dr. Caleb goes into a dynamic warmup followed by three very specific exercises designed to enhance your mobility throughout your run and how to perform them properly.
🔹The Sampson Stretch🔹
Never heard of it? That's okay! This stretch is essentially a walking lunge with an overhead reach. We're using this movement prior to the run to focus on stretching the quads & glutes with mobilization of the hip flexors. Perform 6 repetitions on each side!
▪️Hip Gainers▪️
Add this amazing stretch in before your run! Place one knee down and the other foot up on the opposite side (think a tall, kneeling position). Bring both hands on the ground to the inside of the forward foot while the back knee comes off the ground. Lean forward and start to make small circles one direction, then switch to the other direction. Once you’ve completed both sides, plant the hand closest to your forward foot and reach through & extend all the way up with your opposite arm. And again-6 repetitions on each side.
🔸Inch Worm ➡️ Adductor Rollback🔸
The best part? Zero equipment required! Starting in a pushup position, while keeping your knees straight, walk your toes as far up as you can until you feel the stretch in the hamstrings, driving the knees back & the heels down. From here-drop your knee down and move one leg out to the side, then bring your hips down to your heel. Perform 6 repetitions on each side!
Want a more customized approach to your training? Feeling the aches & pains of a recent run? Schedule a Physio Evaluation with one of our PT doctors and we will get to the bottom of why you are sore and stiff.
1. Schedule a Physio Eval with us now on our booking page.
2. Fill out the form below and we will contact you. It's that simple.
We are excited to get the chance to work with you! One of our owners, Jessica, will reach out directly to you to assist.
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