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2 MUST DO Exercises for Computer Workers


If you use a computer for work or school, I'm sure you can relate to this observation I had last week:

The absolute #1 complaint that I have heard recently is because of computer use.

Since we are all staying at home, we no longer have access to our work chair, desk, and computer setup. More than ever, the couch or kitchen table is now a work station. That's not a bad thing! Well, at first it isn't.

It was fun at first! You get to stay home - No commute, snacks whenever you want, and maybe you even grab a quick nap!

But gradually, you started to feel the effects of your nice, comfy couch or kitchen table command center. Maybe you started noticing neck pain, shoulder stiffness, mid-back discomfort, or even headaches. Is it still there? Has it been progressing to more than a discomfort or stiffness?

You have to work, there's no way around it. But you don't want the pain. You've ignored it long enough, so here's what you do.

2 Exercises. Every hour while working.

And before you complain about not having the time, remember these 2 things:

1. It's just 5 reps of each. So it'll take 90 seconds at home. You have that time. The average time spent each day on social media is 2 hours. You can find 90 seconds to exercise.

2. 5-10 minute breaks every hour is advised. Use a tiny bit of that time to do some easy exercises. If you're not taking those 5-10 minute breaks each hour, the research is suggesting that the second, third, and fourth hour is less productive. Therefore, you're not only wearing down your body, you're also being less effective and are more prone to errors.

So, 2 exercises. 15 repetitions total. Every hour while you're working.

You'll feel an immediate difference. If you don't, let me know. Email me directly and we can start to figure out what else might work for you.

Watch the video above to see exactly how to complete these exercises.


Let me know how it goes!

- Dr Caleb Kauffmann
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Owner, NorCal Physiotherapy and Sports Sciences

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