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Why "Elbows UP!!" during a front rack is so important.


The Importance of Elbow Position in a Front Rack: Improving Performance and Reducing Injury Risk

If you're a fitness enthusiast or a weightlifter, you've probably heard the common directive from coaches: "elbows up!" But have you ever stopped to...

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Kettlebell armbar for shoulder stability


 Shoulder stability is extremely important.  Whether you’re an overhead athlete, a crossfit athlete, olympic lifter, jiu jitsu athlete, or a strongman, the shoulders have a huge demand placed on them. Shoulders are by no means...

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1st Step to Fix Your Cranky Shoulder - Get Moving.


We have all been there. You wake up and you can’t move your shoulder. You have pain in your shoulder that is stopping you from making your morning coffee, putting on a shirt, or washing yourself in the shoulder.

Maybe you just finished up a...

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2 MUST DO Exercises for Computer Workers


If you use a computer for work or school, I'm sure you can relate to this observation I had last week:

The absolute #1 complaint that I have heard recently is because of computer use.

Since we are all staying at home, we no longer have access to...

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