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Ankle Sprain Step 3: Integrate Foot & Ankle Control


This is the third in a series of how we treat ankle sprains at NorCal Physio. This step is how to Integrate Foot and Ankle Control. The first two steps are to get it moving and to regain muscle control. Make sure to complete those two steps...

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Ankle Sprain Step 2: Regain Muscle Control


Ankle sprains are very common in sports. It has been reported that 26,000 ankle sprains happen every day in the US, accounting for 1/3 of sports injuries. That is a staggering number, but it doesn't stop there.

Most of these injuries will have a...

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Ankle Sprain? Start Here.


This video describes how we start treating ankle sprains at NorCal Physio. Even though this is a seemingly simple step, this step builds a foundation of muscle control and stability. If you skip this step, it is likely that you will continue...

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Unstick Your Ankles


When talking about mobility, one of the biggest overlooked regions of the body is the ankle. And that's a huge problem because it can cause pain, injury, and sub-performance anywhere in the body. You'll see these effects in plantar fasciitis, knee...

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