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MRI makes your low back pain last.... LONGER??


When you have back pain, what's the first thing you want to do? Often, our first action is to get imaging, such as an MRI or XRay. Although MRI seems to be the first response to low back pain, is it really that important? Does it help with...

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Why "Elbows UP!!" during a front rack is so important.


The Importance of Elbow Position in a Front Rack: Improving Performance and Reducing Injury Risk

If you're a fitness enthusiast or a weightlifter, you've probably heard the common directive from coaches: "elbows up!" But have you ever stopped to...

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3 go-to exercises for knee pain


What do you think is the most common question we get from friends and family as a Physical Therapy clinic?

Yup, you probably guessed it - "What can I do about this pain I have right here?"

Honestly, we have no idea. We don't know what is actually...

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Ankle Sprain Step 3: Integrate Foot & Ankle Control


This is the third in a series of how we treat ankle sprains at NorCal Physio. This step is how to Integrate Foot and Ankle Control. The first two steps are to get it moving and to regain muscle control. Make sure to complete those two steps...

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Ankle Sprain Step 2: Regain Muscle Control


Ankle sprains are very common in sports. It has been reported that 26,000 ankle sprains happen every day in the US, accounting for 1/3 of sports injuries. That is a staggering number, but it doesn't stop there.

Most of these injuries will have a...

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Pushups: The Perfect Form & A Better Way to Modify


Pushups - one of the best known exercises. I know that you know how to do the exercise, but what if you could make a small change that would make it more effective?

If you have shoulder pain with pushups, making this little change can help...

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Ankle Sprain? Start Here.


This video describes how we start treating ankle sprains at NorCal Physio. Even though this is a seemingly simple step, this step builds a foundation of muscle control and stability. If you skip this step, it is likely that you will continue...

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Physio Qs: What is the difference between PHYSIO and PHYSICAL Therapy?


In this week’s video, listen to Jessica Kauffmann, co-owner of NorCal Physio, answer the question, “What is the difference between Physio and Physical Therapy?”.

Because our name is NorCal Physiotherapy and Sports Sciences,...

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The absolute #1 most important factor in choosing your running shoes.


Shoes are an important piece of running, right? You need to have a solid pair of shoes that will support your feet, cushion your joints, and withstand the miles. So, quite obviously, you need to use a pair of running shoes that are...

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4 Steps to Fix Your Hamstrings


Hamstring injury is very common in sports. The reason for excessive injury in this area isn't that the Hamstrings are a fragile group of muscles; most of the time, it is due to limitations in training and rehab.

Use this guide to appropriately...

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