When you have back pain, what's the first thing you want to do? Often, our first action is to get imaging, such as an MRI or XRay. Although MRI seems to be the first response to low back pain, is it really that important? Does it help with...
Getting the deadlift form down is tough! Many times, the new deadlifting athlete will say it is an awkward movement at first. The experienced deadlifter will often have trouble maintaining a locked in thoracic spine or compensate limited hip...
Step ups are a standard exercise that we’ve all done. Find an elevated surface, choose your desired weight, and step onto that surface. The simplicity is what makes it so effective. It’s a great exercise, and one that we all...
It happens to the best of us, often at the most inopportune time. Yes, the dreaded acute low back pain flare-up. Sharp pain in the low back with specific movement.
It could happen after a seemingly trivial event as a sneeze or picking...
Yes, you read that right. Deadlifting should NOT cause back pain. Deadlifting is good for back pain. Deadlifting makes our body stronger and more resilient. So deadlifting is not only good for back pain that...
We have all been there -
Too much sitting, too much driving, a bad nights sleep.
Too much squatting without warming up. Deadlifts didn’t feel right, but you pushed through them. You felt “off” while running and had some back...
Deadlifts save lives... That's a fact. Or atleast they help reduce back pain and improves athletic resilience.
Deadlifts are great for fixing low back pain, strengthening the control and stability of the trunk (ie "core strengthening"),...
"Why does my back hurt?" is one of the most frequent questions in my physical therapy clinic.
I work with a wide range of people who experience back pain and it is always different.
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