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Effective ACL Injury Rehabilitation - Sacramento Physical Therapy

Introduction to ACL Injuries

Physical therapy is essential for recovering from ACL injuries. At Norcal Physiotherapy and Sports Sciences in Sacramento, CA, we specialize in personalized rehabilitation programs tailored to each patient's needs....

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Ultimate Guide to Sacramento, CA Physical Therapy - NorCal Physiotherapy & Sports Sciences

Uncategorized Jun 21, 2024

Welcome to your ultimate guide for understanding why physical therapy is a game changer, especially here in vibrant Sacramento, CA!

At NorCal Physiotherapy and Sports Sciences, we're not just about getting you out of pain—we design our...

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Why "Elbows UP!!" during a front rack is so important.


The Importance of Elbow Position in a Front Rack: Improving Performance and Reducing Injury Risk

If you're a fitness enthusiast or a weightlifter, you've probably heard the common directive from coaches: "elbows up!" But have you ever stopped to...

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Hinge to wall


Getting the deadlift form down is tough! Many times, the new deadlifting athlete will say it is an awkward movement at first. The experienced deadlifter will often have trouble maintaining a locked in thoracic spine or compensate limited hip...

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Kettlebell armbar for shoulder stability


 Shoulder stability is extremely important.  Whether you’re an overhead athlete, a crossfit athlete, olympic lifter, jiu jitsu athlete, or a strongman, the shoulders have a huge demand placed on them. Shoulders are by no means...

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High Step Ups



Step ups are a standard exercise that we’ve all done. Find an elevated surface, choose your desired weight, and step onto that surface. The simplicity is what makes it so effective. It’s a great exercise, and one that we all...

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Why does my squat look different? Part 1: An introduction to the factors that dictate squat technique


If you’ve spent any time squatting in the past, you’ve probably noticed that your technique looks a little different than everyone else’s. Further, you may have also noticed that no matter how much time you spend warming up,...

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3 go-to exercises for knee pain


What do you think is the most common question we get from friends and family as a Physical Therapy clinic?

Yup, you probably guessed it - "What can I do about this pain I have right here?"

Honestly, we have no idea. We don't know what is actually...

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MRI makes your low back pain last.... LONGER??


When you have back pain, what's the first thing you want to do? Often, our first action is to get imaging, such as an MRI or XRay. Although MRI seems to be the first response to low back pain, is it really that important? Does it help with...

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Lateral Tibial Glide: The Missing Piece To Your Squat?


Ankle mobility is a crucial for a full depth squat. When the ankle does not move correctly, changes occur everywhere- knee and hip motion, trunk stability, and depth.

This abnormal movement patterns can lead to pain and injury, and also...

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