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Belted Walks - The BETTER Version Of Banded Monster Walks


Hips feel weak? Get tired quickly? Not "engaging" or "activating" enough? Say no more... give this modified monster walk a shot. 

This simple modification uses a weight lifting belt (or any other belt) and a resistance band to focus on pelvic...

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Nervous about deadlifts? Give this a shot - The Belted Deadlift


Deadlifts save lives... That's a fact.  Or atleast they help reduce back pain and improves athletic resilience.

Deadlifts are great for fixing low back pain, strengthening the control and stability of the trunk (ie "core strengthening"),...

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If you could avoid knee surgery, would you?

Uncategorized Jul 01, 2021

If you could avoid knee surgery, would you?

Of course you would! No one wants to get cut open if they don't have to. So here's some good news for you - PT has been shown to be just as effective as surgery in a study looking at the meniscus of the...

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Deadlifting Fixes Back Pain: Part 2

Uncategorized Jul 01, 2021

Following up on Part 1 (Here's a link to it), deadlifting is the best thing for back pain when implemented correctly.

Reasons #1,2,3 were on part 1. Here are #4,5.

4. Deadlifting trains spine stabilization

Learning how to control the spine (trunk...

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Deadlifting Fixes Back Pain: Part 1

Deadlifting fixes back pain.

Sounds like a bold statment, doesn't it? And completely contradictory to typical advice on low back pain. But it is true! Personally, deadlifting was a key component to relieving the back pain I dealt with.

Here's the...

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Here's How To Resolve Acute Swelling And Inflammation


We have all experienced swelling at some point, whether from ankle sprains, ACL reconstruction, shoulder surgery, tennis elbow, or just swollen ankles from sitting around too much. Sometimes it just goes away, other times it seems to linger....

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How Not To Be A Terrible Runner

Ever heard this:

"Running isn't enjoyable. Running is hard, makes me tired, is uncomfortable and painful, and takes a lot out of my day. It is boring and monotonous. All I do is run, run, run."

"Running is my stress reliever - I NEED it to get...

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How to fix Plantar Fasciitis and other foot pain.


Plantar Fasciitis and foot pain are common sources of frustration. Foot pain affects running, walking, weight lifting, and jumping. STANDING is even painful when pain is bad. That first step in the morning feels like a knife driving through the...

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Unstick Your Ankles


When talking about mobility, one of the biggest overlooked regions of the body is the ankle. And that's a huge problem because it can cause pain, injury, and sub-performance anywhere in the body. You'll see these effects in plantar fasciitis, knee...

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3 Attributes For Resilience


Resilience: The ability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

Let's be honest - the average person reading this does stupid hard things. You see how much weight you can pick up. You run as far as you can - past the point of...

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